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What is the crisis payment for released prisoners?

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Prisoners Aid NSW

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What is the crisis payment for released prisoners? The Crisis Payment for released prisoners is a vital support measure provided by Centrelink to help individuals transition back into the community after their release from jail. This payment is designed to assist with immediate financial needs, ensuring that former inmates have the resources necessary to start rebuilding their lives.

For residents of New South Wales (NSW), the Crisis Payment is available to those who meet specific eligibility criteria. To qualify, you must be receiving an income support payment or the ABSTUDY Living Allowance. The payment is equal to one week’s worth of your maximum basic rate of income support, providing a crucial financial boost during a challenging time.

The process to claim this payment is straightforward. Upon release, you need to provide evidence of your release from prison. This can be done online through your Centrelink account linked to myGov, or by visiting a Centrelink service centre. If you have a nominee, they can also assist in making the claim on your behalf.

Once your claim is submitted, Centrelink will process it and notify you of the outcome. If approved, the payment will be deposited directly into your bank account, giving you immediate access to funds for essential expenses such as accommodation, food, and transportation.

The Crisis Payment for released prisoners is an important part of the support system in NSW, helping to reduce the risk of re-offending by providing financial stability during the critical period following release. By offering this assistance, Centrelink aims to support former inmates in their efforts to reintegrate into society and build a positive future.