What we do

The Prisoners Aid Association of NSW was formed in 1901. For over a century we have been providing practical help to incarcerated people, people leaving prison and their families.

We believe in creating real opportunities for providing life skills, education and work experience for those leaving incarceration through our programs below.

Inmate Property Service (Mates Storage)

We receive funding from Corrective Services NSW to collect and store property for incarcerated people in the NSW Correctional System until their release. Phone enquiries - 0412 430 214.

Mates on the Move

Our social enterprise, Mates on the Move, provides employment opportunities for people leaving prison through sustainable waste management services and social housing removals.

Mates for life

Our free Mates for Life program seeks to facilitate community reintegration and is dedicated to fostering personal growth and self- sufficiency. We support individuals to overcome past challenges and actively contribute to and thrive within their community.

The program provides a supportive network, educational opportunities, and skill development to help participants successfully reintegrate into their community, fostering a sense of belonging and resilience.