We've been Awarded a 2020 Westpac Foundation Community Grant

We’ve been awarded a 2020 Westpac Foundation Community Grant to help create education, training and employment opportunities for ex-offenders.

The $10,000 grant will help us to train our current employees of Mates on the Move.

Due to COVID-19 Mates on the Move has not been able to collect waste from office buildings and has pivoted its business model. Mates on the Move has been relying on removals, including moving office furniture to people's homes where people are now working from home. Margins for this work are lower which puts pressure on our ability to deliver training. For the period of COVID-19 Mates on the Move will focus on supporting its current employees, ensuring reduced recidivism for them.


Annual Prisoners' Aid Association of NSW Dinner Postponed


Mates On The Move Featured on Givvable